
Registration Coming Soon...

Vendor Guidelines

  • Vendor must pay all fees and charges associated with participation in ArkLaTex Metal Fest, including but not limited to plot rental and any additional services requested by the vendor.

  • Vendor must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to the sale and display of their goods at ArkLaTex Metal Fest. Unlawful activity will be reported and vendor will be escorted off premises. These vendors will be not eligible for a refund.

  • Vendor must collect and remit any applicable sales tax on all sales made at the event.

  • Vendor agrees to comply with all instructions and guidelines provided by the organizers of ArkLaTex Metal Fest related to the set-up, operation, and tear-down of the vendor's booth and equipment.

  • Vendor must provide proof of liability insurance coverage for the event. If the vendor is bringing live animals to the event, the vendor must provide proof of insurance for each animal.

  • Vendor is responsible for any damages caused by their property during the event. This includes, but is not limited to, vehicles, equipment, products, overhangs, signage, and animals.

  • Vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the organizers of ArkLaTex Metal Fest from any and all claims, damages, or expenses arising from any injury or damage caused by any aspect of the vendor's participation in the event.

  • Roadside and parking lot sales are prohibited.

  • All vendors with live animals must have applicable permits for those animals. Caddo Parish requires any live animals have a permit. Please contact Caddo Parish Animal Services at 318-226-6624 for more information.

  • Louisiana Fish & Wildlife has its own permit requirements for certain species. Vendors are responsible for ensuring they are following all laws and regulations in regards to the display and sale of animals. Vendors who violate these laws are fully responsible for legal action and penalties. ArkLaTex Metal Fest assumes no responsibility for vendors who intentionally or unintentionally break the law.

  • Vendor must provide adequate and appropriate housing, food, water, and medical care for all live animals sold or displayed at the event.

  • Vendor must ensure that all animals sold or displayed at the event are healthy, free of disease, and legally obtained.

  • All live animal vendors must provide proof of insurance for each animal.

  • Vendor must ensure that all animals sold or displayed at the event are properly labeled with common and scientific names, price, and any other relevant information.

  • Vendors must hold harmless the organizers of the event from any liability related to any injury or damage caused by or to the animals.

  • Vendors with animals are subject to inspection before and during the event to ensure all guidelines and safety measures are being upheld.

  • Restricted Animals: all felines, all primates, all monkeys, all cattle, any animal over 50 pounds, all crocodilians, all venomous reptiles*, all fish, all aquatic reptiles, any animal with horns or antlers, all venomous, poisonous, or toxic animals & insects, hyenas, coyotes, deer, raccoons, skunks, foxes, and any hybrid species consisting of wolves, coyotes, or jackals interbred with domestic dogs, any constricting species that exceeds 8' length in the wild.

  • *We are awaiting confirmation about hognose snakes which are rear-fang venomous but pose no threat to humans.

Live Animal Vendors