
a brown and white dog wearing a service dog training vest
a brown and white dog wearing a service dog training vest

Under Louisiana's service animal law and the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with disabilities can bring service animals to all "public accommodations" in Louisiana. However, this does not include emotional support animals, therapy animals, or companion animals. Although these animals often have therapeutic benefits, they aren't individually trained to perform specific tasks for their handlers, so they aren't considered service animals. Under the ADA and Louisiana law, owners of public accommodations aren't required to admit ESAs, only service animals.

Under the ADA and Louisiana law, a public accommodation can't ask you questions about your disability or demand to see certification, identification, or other proof of your animal's training or status. If it's not apparent what your service animal does, the establishment can ask you only whether it's a service animal and what tasks it performs for you.

For the safety of all our guests and the service animals at the event, the following guidelines must be followed:

  • Upon arrival at event, please bring all service animals to the Accessibility Hub to register your animal.

  • Please bring proof of current animal vaccination records.

  • In case of escape or emergency situations, service animals are required to wear tags with identifiable information and a phone number.

  • Service animal handler will be given a special wristband that must be worn during the event.

  • Service animals must remain with their designated handler at all times.

  • Service animals must remained leashed or in a harness at all times.

  • Service animal handler must maintain control of the animal at all times.

  • Service animal handlers are responsible for the safety of their animal including their hydration. Please bring the necessary items to keep your pet cool, hydrated, and healthy.

  • Service animals will have a designated potty area, and handlers are responsible for disposing of animal waste in designated receptacles.

  • Anyone bringing an animal will be responsible for and liable for any damage or injury caused by the animal.

  • Handlers with animals that cause damages, injury, or excessive noise will be asked to leave.

  • Handlers are not permitted to leave their animals alone in any vehicle or RV, even if the AC is on.

  • If an animal is found to be unattended in a vehicle, emergency services will be notified immediately.

As the event approaches, we may update the following guidelines to ensure all local, state, and federal laws and guidelines are being followed. Please check back regularly, as our policies may change. If you have any further questions about Accessibility, please use the Contact page to reach out. We will answer you as quickly as we can.